Day 1 – Arizona Trail

Day 2 – Arizona Trail

Day 3 – Sedona Singletrack
A storm came in. The rain and tornado warnings got me pulled from the trail for a day and I had to resume from Cottonwood, so Day 3 happened two months later… Schnebly Hill to Redrock State Park; Lime Kiln Trail to Dead Horse Ranch State Park (35 miles). The Munds Wagon Road gets me every time. This year was no exception as I went over the bars, but no injuries. The rest of the riding is awesome slick rock country with technical, fun trails.
Day 4 – Mingus Mountain
I started up FS roads to the top of Mingus Mountain (14 miles). Climbing all day and into the night. I took the “Mingus Bypass,” but I still had to push a lot. There were some beautiful views that night and the following morning.

Day 5 – Mingus and Yeager
There is no water at the Mingus Mountain Campground, so I rode unloaded for about five miles to the Potato Patch Campground for water. I filled up and headed back to camp for breakfast. I then took the Yeager singletrack down Mingus, then private and FS roads to the Verde River at Perkinsville (32 miles). The Yeager singletrack is wonderful with a fun descent.

Day 6 – Verde to Williams
Perkinsville Road and FS roads (30 miles) – This day crushed me. The climb isn’t as steep as Mingus, but it seems to go forever. Camping away from the river meant less water on the way up. Trail angels on ATVs gave me a half liter. The storm a few days earlier had left some running streams once I finally got into the Ponderosa forest, so I was able to filter more. I passed on climbing Bill Williams Mountain. My awe of the endurance racers grew more. Once again riding in the dark. My wife met me for a night camping. Thank you honeybunch, you lifted my spirits!Day 7 – Williams to Wing Mountain

Day 8 – Wing Mountain to Home
Wing Mountain Moto Trails to Hart Prairie Road to Bismark Lake to the Arizona Trail to home (22 miles). The Moto trails were fun and Hart Prairie road was busy. A late afternoon meeting (dang it!) prompted the cut off at Bismark Lake. I had hoped to get to FS 418 to catch more Arizona Trail. The Arizona Trail from 418 to Snowbowl and then back down to Schultz Creek is a joy to ride. Smooth, twisty and great views. A wonderful way to end an epic ride!
The Gear

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